New details coming from a Korean website have now shed some light on OnePlus upcoming flagship. Chinese handset-maker OnePlus may skip the 'OnePlus 4' name and release a new 'OnePlus 5'. Our best guess regarding this move is because the Chinese consider the number '4' to be unlucky. Leaked specifications indicate that the new OnePlus 5 will come with a dual-edged display similar to Samsung's Galaxy S7 edge . As per a report on Koreanportal , the smartphone will also have a 23-megapixel camera along with 6GB and 8GB RAM variant options. OnePlus is expected to offer storage variants as well - 64 and 128GB along with expandable storage upto 256GB . The report also claims that the OnePlus 5 will come in a ceramic body like the Xiaomi Mi Mix which is in line with earlier reports that the company is planning to replace the aluminum body of the phone with a ceramic one. The OnePlus 5 is expected to draw power from a 4,000mAh battery w...